If you are a digital creator - designer / modeler / author of 3D and 2D artworks, this call is for you!

We are creating a city-wide festival / exhibition for digital art presented in location-triggered (GPs-triggered) Augmented Reality (AR) in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, with a possibility of spreading world-wide.

This is an opportunity to present your digital artworks and digital 3D and 2D artists through the medium of Augmented Reality, where the works are integrated into physical spaces of the city.

The artworks in AR will be viewed through mobile phones, through our AR platform “Equinox XR.”

Equinox Screenshot 2021-11-24 12-20-05.png

Our goal and our inspiration is to spread awe and joy by combining the virtual and the physical, to decorate and enahnce beautiful physical locations with awesome virtual artworks!

We are hereby calling digital artists to contribute their work for this unique exhibition. This is generally targetted towards already existing works, maybe shown in the artist’s portfolio or demo pages, but original work is also very much appreciated!

In case of 3D artworks, our goal is to gather artworks with the following properties:

Selected 3D artworks will be displayed as-is in the Augmented Reality platform. Among all artworks, we intend for at least 60% of them to be 3D.

For 2D digital artworks, the propositions are similar:

We are covering three types of physical areas: